Macmillan Coffee Morning 2016

Macmillan Coffee Morning 2016


It looked like that angry thunder cloud which had been miserably hanging around all morning would stop play a little today being Macmillan Coffee Morning. But weather aside, we still managed to accost cars, busses and lorries as they sat waiting for the green light at the level crossing to alleviate them of their boredom and let them on their jolly way! However, that long wait at the lights was made that much more bearable with cake! Courtesy of Vicky who done the rounds all morning with the cake basket! Special thanks as always to our master bakers, without whom we wouldn’t be able to raise money for this special charity. They are: Maggie Jones, Rebecca Taylor and her mother-in-law Pam, Gill Harrington, Mair Smith, Cath Gratton, Michelle Wales and Yvette Szulc. Despite the weather we still managed to raise £166.54 – money which will help make sure no one has to face cancer alone. Thanks to you all, and please enjoy our pics of the day!